
STOP !! Breathing Airborne Germs

I lived and worked in the USA and was amazed how little was known about spraying
 to kill, air borne bacteria.
It is the silent enemy.
Someone coughs, the spore floats in the air, and all the occupants breathing them in.
And this is how whole households come down ill with respiratory infections.
Then there are days lost off work.
And grose illnesses related to infection.

In Australia PLEASE buy and use GLEN 20, to kill these germs.....(Household spray.)
In the USA its Halo (individual spray.)
Please click on the link below and read how you can prevent illness visiting you for a small cost. 
To prevent is much cheaper than paying out on doctors bills and medication.


  1. Hi Crystal Mary! Halo? I've never heard of it. I will look into that. Thank you!

  2. I just checked out Halo. Wow...thanks, Crystal Mary! And all the way from Austraila!

  3. I don't know anything about this. Will have to read up on a bit later. I generally think anything in a spray bottle cannot be good. I'll be happy to learn if Halo is good for us and if it can be purchased in Canada.


Anything I have written here is hopefully to benefit the reader. As an R.N. I have been taught to educate the patient. Anything you are unsure of, please consult with your doctor. Some doctors do not advocate natural health and if yours does not, then research the Internet.
Beyond this, prescribed medication may be required.
Blessings to all. Sister Crystal Mary Lindsey.B.S.N. M.H.N. Prof C.
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